Domeniul doctorat Medicină Facultatea de Medicină și Farmacie
Prof.dr.habil. Manuela Arbune |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Infectiile oportuniste asociate SIDA in contextul terapiei antivirale actuale
- Particularitati regionale ale rezistentei la antibiotice in infectiile comunitare
- Infectia COVID-19 din perspectiva medicinei personalizate
Tematica pentru Colocviul de admitere la Doctorat |
- Terapia antiinfectioasa: antibiotice, antiviralele, antiparazitare.
- Pneumoniile acute comunitare și nosocomiale. Gripa.
- Meningitele și encefalitele acute
- Infecțiile materno-fetale.
- Hepatitele virale acute și cronice.
- Infecția cu HIV / SIDA.
- Infecția cu SARS-CoV-2.
- Rezistenta la antibiotice in infectii asociate asistentei medicale si infectii comunitare.
- Diagnosticul infectiilor
- Vaccinurile si bolile vaccinabile.
Bibliografie |
- Kumar si Clark Medicină clinică/ Adam Feather, David Randall, Mona Waterhouse; coo(d. ed. în lb. română: Leonard Azamfirei, Anca Dana Buzoianu, Dan Ionuţ Gheonea, Bucureşti, 2021, Editura Hipocrate, ISBN 978-606-95178-0-2
- Dennis Kasper, Anthony Fauci. Harrison's Infectious Diseases: Third edition, 2017, McGraw Hill Education, ISBN-13: 978125983571.
- Centrul National de Supraveghere si Control al Bolilor Transmisibile. Metodologii. Ghiduri, protocoale si proceduri.
Prof.dr.habil. Alina Mihaela Călin |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Infuenta infectiei SARS_Cov2, asupra decesului ante-partum al fatului.
- Importanta examinarii gravidelor la 35-37 sapt si descoperirea anomaliilor fetale tardive in sarcina
- Strategia optima de diagnostic si tratament a HTA si Pre-eclampsiei in sarcina.
Bibliografie |
- 1.1. Wong SF, Chow KM, Leung TN, Ng WF, Ng TK, Shek CC, Ng PC, Lam PWY, Ho LC, To WWK, Lai ST, Yan, WW, Tan PYH. Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes of women with severe acute respiratory syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol2004; 191: 292– 297.
- 1.2. Li AM, Ng PC. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in neonates and children. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed2005; 90: 461– 465.
- 1.3. Lam CM, Wong SF, Leung TN, Chow KM, Yu WC, Wong TY, Lai ST, Ho LC. A case‐controlled study comparing clinical course and outcomes of pregnant and non‐pregnant women with severe acute respiratory syndrome. BJOG2004; 111: 771– 774.
- 2.1. Ciobanu A, Wright A, Panaitescu A, Syngelaki A, Wright D, Nicolaides KH. Prediction of imminent preeclampsia at 35–37 weeks' gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol2019; 220: 584.e1– 11.
- 2.2. Andrietti S, Silva M, Wright A, Wright D, Nicolaides KH. Competing‐risks model in screening for pre‐eclampsia by maternal factors and biomarkers at 35–37 weeks' gestation. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol2016; 48: 72– 79.
- 2.3. Akolekar R, Ciobanu A, Zingler E, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH. Routine assessment of cerebroplacental ratio at 35–37 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol2019; 221: 65.e1– 18.
- 3.1. ER, Tunc¸alp O, Vogel JP, Khan DN, Oladapo OT, Long Q, G¨ulmezogluAM. Implementation of effective practices in health facilities: a systematic review ofcluster randomised trials. BMJ Glob Health 2017;
- 3.2. Zwart JJ, Richter JM, Ory F, de Vries JI, Bloemenkamp KW, van Roosmalen J. Severe maternal morbidity during pregnancy, delivery and puerperium in the Netherlands:a nationwide population based study of 371 000 pregnancies. BJOG 2008; 115:842–850.
- 3.3. van ’t Hooft J, Alfirevic Z, Asztalos EV, Biggio JR, Dugoff L, Hoffman M, Lee G,Mol BW, Pacagnella RC, Pajkrt E, Saade GR, Shennan AH, Vayssi`ere C, Khan KS.CROWN initiative and preterm birth prevention: researchers and editors commit toimplement core outcome sets. BJOG 2018; 125: 8–11.
Prof.dr.habil. Oana Roxana Ciobotaru |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Metode noninvazive de evaluarea a statusului volemic la pacientul critic cu soc septic din Terapie Intensiva.
- Caracteristicele pacientului cu trombembolia pulmonara şi infectie SARS-COV2 în comparaţie cu pacientul non-COVID-19
- Modificarile pre- si post-operatorii ale presiunii pulmonare, monitorizate echografic transtoracic, la pacientul lobectomizat
- Relatia dintre frecventa cardiaca si umplerea volemica cuantificata ecocardiografic
Tematica pentru Colocviul de admitere la Doctorat |
- Trombembolia pulmonara – caracteristice la pacientul COVID-19 si non-COVID -19
- Hipertensiunea pulmonara
- Echilibrul hidroelectolitic si acidobazic
- Ecocardiogafia – principii
- Modificarile hemodinamice la pacientul de Terapie Intensiva
- Sepsisul si socul septic.
Bibliografie |
- Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 11th Edition. 2018
- Feigenbaum's Echocardiography. Ed. Wolters Kluwer Health. 2019
- Jean-Louis Vincent; Edward Abraham; Freederick A.Moore; Patrick M. Kichanek; Mitchell P. Fink. Textbook of Critical Care 7th Ed. 2016
- Richard S. Irwin; Craig M. Lilly; James M. Rippe. Manual of Intensive Care Medicine 6th Ed. 2013
- Marino’s The ICU Book. Paul L. Marino 4th Ed. 2014
- Recommendations for Cardiac ChamberQuantification by chocardiography in Adults:An Update from the American Societyof Echocardiography and the European Associationof Cardiovascular Imaging 2015
- The American Society Of Echocardiography Recommendations Forcardiacchamber Quantificationin Adults: A Quick Reference Guidefrom The Ase Workflow And Lab Management Task Force 2018
- ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines. Availabe on:
Prof.dr.habil. Dorel Firescu |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Identificarea biofilmului polimicrobian in piciorul diabetic
Tematica pentru Colocviul de admitere la Doctorat |
- Piciorul diabetic
Bibliografie |
- Internal Clinical Guidelines team. Diabetic Foot Problems: Prevention and Management. (2015).
- Centre for Clinical Practice at NICE (UK). Diabetic Foot Problems: Inpatient Management of Diabetic Foot Problems. (2011).
Prof.dr.habil. Alin Laurențiu Tatu |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Modificari patologice la nivel cutaneo-mucos - impact asupra calitătii vietii, abordare globală,metode terapeutice si modalităti de preventie activă.
- Evaluarea relatiei privind tratamentul cortizonic,antiinflamator,biologic administrat in dermatite si alte patologii extracutanate inclusiv osteo articulare
- Manifestari dermatologice in diverse conditii medico chirurgicale
Tematica pentru Colocviul de admitere la Doctorat |
- Interrelatii la nivel cutaneo sistemic cu expresie predominant la nivel facial
- Leziunile cutanate în sindroamele de overlap ale colagenozelor majore
- Comorbiditati in afectiuni dermatologice
Bibliografie |
- 1.1. Jones, A.L., The influence of shape and colour cue on facial health perception, Evolution and Human Behavior (2017),
- 1.2. Henderson AJ, Holzleitner IJ, Talamas SN, Perrett DI. 2016 Perception of health from facial cues. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150380.
- 1.3. Gupta MA, Gilchrest BA. Psychosocial aspects of aging skin. Dermatologic Clinics 2005;4:643-648. doi: 10.1016/j.det.2005.05.012.
- 1.4. Fink B, Matts PJ, D’Emiliano D, et al. Colour homogeneity and visual perception of age, health and attractiveness of male facial skin. J Eur AcadDermatol Venereol. 2012;26(12):1486–1492.
- 1.5. Chronic sun damage and the perception of age, health and attractiveness, Paul J. Matts, and Bernhard Fink, DOI: 10.1039/b9pp00166b, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010, 9, 421–431
- 1.6. Skin care Bootcamp: The Evolving Role of Skin care. Katie Rodan, Kathy Fields, George Majewski; Timothy Falla, Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2016;4:e1152; doi:10.1097/ GOX.0000000000001152;
- 1.7. Flament F, Bazin R, Laquieze S, et al. Effect of the sun on visible clinical signs of aging in Caucasian skin. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2013;6:221–232.
- 1.8. Facial skin pores: a multiethnic study. Frederic Flament, Ghislain Francois, Huixia Qiu, Chengda Ye, Tomoo Hanaya, Dominique Batisse, Suzy Cointereau-Chardon, Mirela Donato, Gianeti Seixas, Susi Elaine Dal Belo, Roland Bazin, Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2015:8 85–93
- 1.9. Messaraa C, Metois A, Walsh M,et al. Antera 3D capabilities for pore measurements. Skin Res Technol. 2018;00:1–8.
- 1.10. Lee SJ, Seok J, Jeong SY, Park KY, Li K, Seo SJ. Facial Pores: Definition, Causes, and Treatment Options. Dermatol Surg. 2016 Mar;42(3):277-85. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000000657.
- 2.1. AdultsWith Eczema May Have Elevated Fracture Risk . Ricki Lewis, PhD. December 24, 2014
- 2.2. Association between eczema and increased fracture and bone or joint injury in adults: a US population-based study. .Garg N1, Silverberg JI2.JAMA Dermatol. 2015 Jan;151(1):33-41. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2014.2098.
- 2.3. Van Velsen SG, Haeck IM, Knol MJ, Lam MG, Bruijnzeel-Koomen CA. Two-year assessment of effect of topical corticosteroids on bone mineral density in adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012;66(4):691-693.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref
- 2.4. Self-Reported Fracture in Dermatitis Herpetiformis Compared to Coeliac Disease Camilla Pasternack 1 , EriikaMansikka 1,2, KatriKaukinen 1,3, KaisaHervonen 1,2 , TimoReunala 1,2, Pekka Collin 4 , HeiniHuhtala 5 ID , Ville M. Mattila 6 andTeeaSalmi 1,2,* Received: 15 February 2018; Accepted: 12 March 2018; Published: 14 March 2018
- 2.5. Osteoporosis in adult patients with atopic dermatitis: A nation wide population-based studyChing-Ying Wu,#1,2 Ying-Yi Lu,#2,3,4 Chun-Ching Lu,5 Yu-Feng Su,6,7 Tai-Hsin Tsai,6,7 and Chieh-Hsin Wu2,6,7,* PLoSOne. 2017; 12(2): e0171667.Published online 2017 Feb 16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171667
- 2.6. Adwan, M. H. (2015). Eular textbook on rheumatic diseases. Saudi Medical Journal, 36(12), 1503.
- 2.7. M. E. Weinblatt, M.D. (Ed.), Hochberg: Rheumatology, 7th (2018). Elsevier.
- 2.8. Ionescu, R. (2006). Esentialul in reumatologie. Editura medicala Amaltea, Bucuresti.
- 3.1. Mital Patel, MD - Dermatologic Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disease – Medscape Link :
- 3.2. Irwin Braverman - Skin Signs of Gastrointestinal Disease , GASTROENTEROLOGY 2003; 124:1595–1614; doi:10.1016/S0016-5085(03)00327-5
- 3.3. Maral Rahva, Justin Kerstetter- Cutaneous manifestation of gastrointestinal disease - J Gastrointest Oncol. 2016 Apr; 7(Suppl 1): S44–S54
- 3.4. Thrash B, Patel M, Shah KR - Cutaneous manifestations of gastrointestinal disease: part II - J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013 Feb;68(2):211.e1-33; quiz 244-6
- 3.5. Jonathan S. Levine - Extraintestinal Manifestations of Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2011 Apr; 7(4): 235–241
- 3.6. Ghid Practic de Dermatologie Oxford/Susan Burge,Rubeta Matin,Dinny Wallis;ed.versiunii in lb.romana:Calin Giurcaneanu,Florica Sandru,Alin Codrut Nicolescu.-Bucuresti:Editura Hipocrate,2020.ISBN 978-606-94576-8-9.Editia a doua.
Prof.dr.habil. Mădălina-Nicoleta Matei |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Sănătatea orală în contextul patologiei sistemice
- Tulburări ale procesului de formare și erupție dentară
- Biomaterialele utilizate în medicina dentară
Tematica pentru Colocviul de admitere la Doctorat |
- 1.1. Noi biomarkeri și tehnici de investigare avansate pentru evaluarea secreției salivare în diverse contexte clinice
- 1.2. Managementul interdisciplinar al pacienților cu afecțiuni oro-dentare
- 1.3. Patologia orală în corelație cu diverse afecțiuni sistemice
- 2.1. Studii privind evaluarea factorilor de corelații în contextul general și modificările de structură ale dinților
- 2.2. Optimizarea diagnosticului și a procedeelor terapeutice în tulburările de formare și dezvoltare stomatognată
- 2.3. Strategii inovative în managementul tulburărilor dentare
- 3.1. Cercetări privind terapia restaurativă utilizată în stomatologie
- 3.2 Influența materialelor de restaurare dentară – terapii novatoare
- 3.3 Studii privind proprietățile materialelor utilizate în medicina dentară în diferite patologii.
Bibliografie |
- Martha H. Wells Arthur J. Nowak, John R. Christensen, Tad R. Mabry, Janice Alisa Townsend . Pediatric Dentistry – infancy through adolescence. Ed. Saunders, septembrie, 2018.
- Jeffrey A. Dean Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent. Ed. Mosby, aprilie 2021.
- Cameron A., Widmer R. - Handbook of pediatric dentistry, 2nd edition. Ed. Mosby, 2003.
- Lakshman Samaranayake. Essential Microbiology for Dentistry. Ed. Elsevier, 2018.
- George A. Freedman. Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry, 1st Edition. Ed. Mosby, 2012.
- Barry K. B. Berkovitz & Bernard J. Moxham & Roger W. A. Linden & Alastair J. Sloan. Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology, 1st Edition. Ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2010
- SAUNDERS and Kimberly G. Bastin. Dental Materials, 1st Edition. Ed. Saunders, 2015.
Prof.dr.habil. Debita Mihaela |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Analiza comparativa la nivel local, national, international, a unor patologii infectioase cu impact asupra starii de sanatate a populatiei.
- Analiza comparativa la nivel local, national, international, a sistemelor de supraveghere epidemiologica in unele boli transmisibile cu risc major de transmitere in populatie.
- Impactul vaccinarii asupra curbelor de morbiditate in unele boli infectioase prevenibile prin vaccinare.
Tematica pentru Colocviul de admitere la Doctorat |
- Analiza de morbiditate în bolile transmisibile
- Sisteme de supraveghere în bolile transmisibile
- Boli prevenibile prin vaccinare
Bibliografie |
- Gordis Leon, Epidemiology, Elsevier Saunders, Fifth Edition
- Stanley A. Plotkin, Walter A. Orestein, Paul A. Offit, Kathryn M. Edwards, Plotkin’s Vaccines, 7th Edition,
- Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Office of Workforce and Career Development, Atlanta, GA, Self Study Course SS1978, Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, 3rd Edition, An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Oct. 2006, Updated May 2012 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Centrul National de Supraveghere si Control al Bolilor Transmisibile Bucuresti, Metodologii, Legislatie, Ghiduri Protocoale, Proceduri, Rapoarte anuale, Analiza date, Rapoarte OMS
- Ivan Aurel, Tratat de Epidemiologie a bolilor transmisibile, Ed. Polirom, 2002
Prof.dr.habil. Aurelia Romilă |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Impactul afecțiunii COVID-19 la pacientul vârstnic
- Biomarkeri in Boala Alzheimer si strategiile terapeutice in imunosenescența
- Particularități clinico-terapeutice in osteoporoza senila
Bibliografie |
- Beers, Mark H.; Berkow, Robert (2000). The Merck Manual of Geriatrics (3rd ed.). Whitehouse Station, N.J.: Merck Research Laboratories. ISBN 978-0911910889.
- Kane RL, Ouslander JG, Resnick B, Malone ML. Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics, 8th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2018
- Ward KT, Reuben DB. Comprehensive geriatric assessment. UpToDate. October 19, 2018. Retrieved October 25, 2019
- Reuben DB, Rosen S, Shickedanz HB. Chapter 10: Principles of Geriatric Assessment. In: Halter JB, Ouslander JG, Studenski S, High KP, Asthana S, Supiano MA, Ritchie C, eds. Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 7th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education;2017
- Ouslander JG, Reyes B. Chapter 464: Clinical problems associated with the aging process. In: Jameson JL, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Loscalzo J, eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education;2018.
- Zetterberg, H., Bendlin, B.B. Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease—preparing for a new era of disease-modifying therapies. Mol Psychiatry 26, 296–308 (2021).
- DeTure MA, Dickson DW. The neuropathological diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Mol Neurodegener. 2019;14:32.
- Palmqvist S, Insel PS, Stomrud E, Janelidze S, Zetterberg H, Brix B, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma biomarker trajectories with increasing amyloid deposition in Alzheimer’s disease. EMBO Mol Med. 2019;11:e11170
- Hemmy LS, Linskens EJ, Silverman PC, Miller MA, Talley KMC, Taylor BC, Ouellette JM, Greer NL, Wilt TJ, Butler M, Fink HA. Brief Cognitive Tests for Distinguishing Clinical Alzheimer-Type Dementia From Mild Cognitive Impairment or Normal Cognition in Older Adults With Suspected Cognitive Impairment. Ann Intern Med. 2020 May 19;172(10):678-687. doi: 10.7326/M19-3889. Epub 2020 Apr 28. PMID: 32340040.
- Ellis G, Gardner M, Tsiachristas A, Langhorne P, Burke O, Harwood RH, Conroy SP, Kircher T, Somme D, Saltvedt I, Wald H, O'Neill D, Robinson D, Shepperd S. Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Sep 12;9(9):CD006211. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006211.pub3.
- Huang LK, Chao SP, Hu CJ. Clinical trials of new drugs for Alzheimer disease. J Biomed Sci. 2020;27:18
- Cummings J, Lee G, Ritter A, Sabbagh M, Zhong K. Alzheimer’s disease drug development pipeline: 2019. Alzheimers Dement. 2019;5:272–93.
- Bittar A, Bhatt N, Kayed R. Advances and considerations in AD tau-targeted immunotherapy. Neurobiol Dis. 2020;134:104707.
- Selkoe DJ, Hardy J. The amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease at 25 years. EMBO Mol Med. 2016;8:595–608
- Schindler SE, Bollinger JG, Ovod V, Mawuenyega KG, Li Y, Gordon BA, et al. High-precision plasma beta-amyloid 42/40 predicts current and future brain amyloidosis. Neurology. 2019;93:e1647–59.
- Palmqvist S, Janelidze S, Stomrud E, Zetterberg H, Karl J, Zink K, et al. Performance of fully automated plasma assays as screening tests for Alzheimer disease-related beta-amyloid status. JAMA Neurol. 2019;76:1060–9
- Frisoni GB, Fox NC, Jack CR Jr., Scheltens P, Thompson PM. The clinical use of structural MRI in Alzheimer disease. Nat Rev Neurol. 2010;6:67–77.
- Vogt NM, Hunt JF, Adluru N, Dean DC, Johnson SC, Asthana S, et al. Cortical microstructural alterations in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease dementia. Cereb Cortex. 2019. [Online ahead of print].
- Khalil M, Teunissen CE, Otto M, Piehl F, Sormani MP, Gattringer T, et al. Neurofilaments as biomarkers in neurological disorders. Nat Rev Neurol. 2018;14:577–89.
- Gaetani L, Blennow K, Calabresi P, Di Filippo M, Parnetti L, Zetterberg H. Neurofilament light chain as a biomarker in neurological disorders. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2019;90:870–81.
- Bridel C, van Wieringen WN, Zetterberg H, Tijms BM, Teunissen CE, and the NFLG, et al. Diagnostic value of cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light protein in neurology: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Neurol. 2019;76:1035–48.
- Shen XN, Niu LD, Wang YJ, Cao XP, Liu Q, Tan L, et al. Inflammatory markers in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis and systematic review of 170 studies. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2019;90:590–8.
- Robinson JL, Lee EB, Xie SX, Rennert L, Suh E, Bredenberg C, et al. Neurodegenerative disease concomitant proteinopathies are prevalent, age-related and APOE4-associated. Brain. 2018;141:2181–93.
- Brookmeyer R, Abdalla N. Estimation of lifetime risks of Alzheimer’s disease dementia using biomarkers for preclinical disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2018;14:981–8.
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Prof.dr.habil. Dana Tutunaru |
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Teme de doctorat |
- Secvențierea genomului virusului SARS-CoV 2
- Rezistența bacteriană a genului Enterobacter în infecțiile urinare
- Biomarkeri în tumorile mamare
- Diagnosticul molecular la pacienții hematologici
Tematica pentru Colocviul de admitere la Doctorat |
- Actualități în diagnosticul infecțiilor cu SARS-CoV 2
- Rezistența bacteriană a agenților infecțioși în urină
- Biomarkeri în patologia oncologică
- Tehnici din domeniul dignosticului molecular
- Sindroame mielo-proliferative si leucemii acute
Bibliografie |
- Kumar si Clark Medicină clinică/ Adam Feather, David Randall, Mona Waterhouse; coo (d. ed. în lb. română: Leonard Azamfirei, Anca Dana Buzoianu, Dan Ionuţ Gheonea, Bucureşti, 2021, Editura Hipocrate, ISBN 978-606-95178-0-2
- Dennis Kasper, Anthony Fauci. Harrison's Infectious Diseases: Third edition, 2017, McGraw Hill Education, ISBN-13: 9781259835971.
- Centrul National de Supraveghere si Control al Bolilor Transmisibile. Metodologii. Ghiduri, protocoale si proceduri.
- Institutul Național de Sănătate Publică, Centrul Național de Supraveghere și Control a Bolilor Transmisibile
- Kathryn V. Holmes – Coronaviridae and Their Replication, în Virology, Second Ed., ed. B. N. Fields, D. M. Knipe et al., Raven Press, Ltd, New York, 1990.
- Susan R. Weiss and Sonia Navas-Martin – Coronavirus Pathogenesis and the Emerging Pathogen severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus – MMBR, 2005, 69, 4, p. 635-664.
- Greer J, Rodgers G, Galader B, Wintrob’s clinical Hematology, ed. 14, Walters Kluwer, 2019
- Hoffbrand V, Moss P, Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology, ed. 7, Wilwy Blackwell, 2016
- Kaushansky K, Lichtman M, Prchal J, et al, Williams Hematology, ed.9, McGraw-Hill Education, 2016
- Rodgers G, Young N, The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology, ed.4, Wolters Kluwer, 2018
- Rodak B, Carr J, Clinical Hematology Atlas, ed. 5, Elsevier, 2017
- Hoffbrand V, Vyas P, Campo E, et al, Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology: Molecular and Cellular Basis of Disease, ed.5, Wiley Blackwell, 2019
- Lupu A, Vladareanu A, Coriu D Hematologie clinica, Bucuresti, Editura universitara „Carol Davila”, 2017
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