Admitere 2025

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați


Conditions for enrolment and admission to doctoral studies for citizens of EU Member States, of the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, and for British citizens and their family members


The citizens of the Member States of the European Union, of the States belonging to the European Economic Area and of the Swiss Confederation, as well as British citizens and their family members, as beneficiaries of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community 2019/C 384 I/01, may participate in the admission to doctoral studies under the same conditions provided by law for Romanian citizens (including tuition fees) after the studies completed in their countries of origin have been recognized.

Recognition of studies is done by the specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research - CNRED - https://cnred.edu.ro/.

In the case of recognition documents issued online by the specialized directorates of the Ministry of Education and Research (CNRED), they are transmitted electronically to the doctoral secretariat by the candidate, according to the admission calendar. For recognition documents issued online, candidates will fill in a sworn declaration of their authenticity.

Candidates’ applications should be submitted to the university headquarters, Rectorate building, Doctoral Secretariat, room U134, according to the admission calendar posted on the university website at www.admitere.ugal.ro/Doctorat. For further information, candidates may write to Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

The competition file will contain the following documents:

  • application form approved by the supervisor (standard form);
  • the application form, the candidate’s undertaking and the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data (standard form);
  • birth certificate, original and copy and a certified translation of the original document;
  • marriage certificate or certificate of change of name, if applicable, original and copy and a certified translation of the original document;
  • passport, original and copy;
  • language certificate, obtained within the last 2 years, where applicable;
  • baccalaureate diploma or equivalent, original and copy and an authorized translation of the original document;
  • bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), in original and in copy and a certified translation of the original document;
  • the original and a copy of the diploma supplement/transcript of records of the bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and the original certified translation of the document;
  • master’s degree (if applicable), original and copy, and a certified translation of the original document;
  • diploma supplement/master’s transcript of records, original and copy, and the authorized translation of the original document;
    • Original diplomas from Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Greece will be stamped with the Hague Convention Apostille,
    • Original diplomas issued in countries that are not parties to the Hague Apostille Convention must undergo consular legalization through the following process: Option 1: Legalization by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country, followed by consular legalization at the Romanian Embassy/Consular Office in that country and the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Option 2: Legalization by the Ministry of Education and Research of the issuing country, followed by authentication at the Embassy/Consular Office of that country in Romania and final validation by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The list of countries for which an apostille or consular legalization is required can be found at: https://cnred.edu.ro/lista-statelor-pentru-care-se-solicita-apostilarea-sau-supralegalizarea/
  • diploma of the Romanian language preparatory year, in original and in copy;
  • certificate/certificate of recognition of high school/ bachelor’s/ master’s studies issued by the Specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research - CNRED;
  • Europass curriculum vitae (signed on each page);
  • list of published scientific work (if applicable) (signed on each page);
  • proof of payment of the application fee;
  • a document describing the grading system applied in the educational institutions followed (the grade equivalent of grades between Failing and Excellent);
  • a medical certificate in an internationally recognized language stating that the holder is not suffering from a contagious/chronic disease.

The admission competition is conducted in accordance with this methodology.