on the organization and conduct of admission to the third cycle of university studies – doctoral studies – in 2025
Art. 1.
The admission to the third cycle of university studies – doctoral studies – at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati (UDJG) is carried out through a competition organized for each doctoral field, within the doctoral schools established according to Senate Decision (henceforth, SD) no. 62/15.06.2017, SD no. 140/07.10.2019 and SD no. 286/19.09.2024.
The admission competition is conducted in accordance with:
- Higher Education Law no. 199/2023, with subsequent amendments and additions;
- Law no. 441/2001 for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 133/2000 on tuition fees for state university and postgraduate education;
- Order of the Minister of Education no. 3020/08.01.2024 for the approval of the Framework Regulation on doctoral studies, published in the Official Monitor, Part I no. 56 of January 22, 2024, Form applicable to date, January 23, 2024;
- Order ME no. 3693/07.02.2024 for the approval of the Framework Methodology on the organization of admission to higher education in the cycles of short university studies, bachelor, master and doctoral studies, as well as those on the distribution of the enrolment figure for admission to studies in the academic year 2025-2026;
- Order No. 3236/2017 on the approval of the Methodology for the admission of foreign citizens to study and tuition in accredited state higher education institutions without tuition fees and with scholarships and without tuition fees but without scholarships;
- MEN Order no. 3473/2017 on the approval of the Methodology for the admission and schooling of foreign citizens starting with the school/university year 2017-2018;
- MEC Order no. 4151/24.04.2020 on the amendment of the Methodology for the admission to studies and tuition of foreign citizens starting with the 2017-2018 school/university year, approved by OMEN no. 3473/2017;
- MEC Order no. 5736/2020 on the amendment of the Methodology for the admission to studies and tuition of foreign citizens starting with the 2017-2018 school/university year, approved by OMEN no. 3473/2017;
- Order No 3900/16.05.2017 regarding the approval of the Methodology for the enrolment of Romanians from abroad in state higher education in Romania, on tuition-free study places with scholarship, respectively, tuition-free places without scholarship, starting with the academic year 2017-2018;
- ME Order no. 5774/14.12.2021 regarding the maintenance of the accreditation of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati for the organization of doctoral programmes;
- ME Order no. 4292/22.07.2022 regarding the accreditation of the doctoral field “Marketing” within the Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences, organized at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati;
- ME Order no. 4513/10.08.2022 regarding the accreditation of the doctoral field “Pharmacy” within the Doctoral School of Biomedical Sciences, organized at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati;
- Order ME no. 3934/05.04.2023 on the accreditation of the doctoral field “Law” within the Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences, organized at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati;
- ME Order no. 5552/2024 for the approval of the Methodology regarding the conditions of enrolment of Romanians from abroad and foreign citizens in accredited state, private and private denominational higher education institutions in Romania;
- Institutional Regulation on the organization and functioning of doctoral studies in the doctoral schools of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, approved by SD no. 411/14.10.2024, with subsequent amendments and additions.
Art. 2.
For the academic year 2025-2026, IOSUD - UDJG organizes the contest for admission to the third cycle of university studies for the doctoral fields specified in Annex 1, which is an integral part of this methodology.
Art. 3.
The organization of the admission contest to the doctoral programs is based on the following principles:
- quality professional training of PhD students;
- equal opportunities and the principle of non-discrimination;
- transparency regarding the information related to the admission procedure for the third cycle of university studies.
(1) There are two types of doctoral programmes:
- scientific doctorate, and
- professional doctorate.
(2) The programmes are organised in full-time and/or part-time formats, for both state budget-funded places in the form of doctoral grants and places funded by tuition fees or other legally established sources.
(3) Admission to the state budget-funded doctoral programme is limited to the places allocated by the Ministry of Education and Research. The number of state budget-funded places is established by order of the Minister of Education and Research, and the number of places in the fee-paying mode is approved by a decision of the University Senate, with the opinion of the Board of Administration of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, upon the proposal of the CSUD.
(4) For state budget-funded places, doctoral study programmes organized in the full-time mode are scholarship-based, while those organized in the part-time mode are not scholarship-based.
(5) The distribution of the state budget-funded places, as well as of the tuition-paying places, by doctoral schools/doctoral fields, is subject to the approval of the Senate, after the approval of the Board of Administration of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, upon the proposal of the CSUD. By exception, the allocation of state budget-funded places supplemented by the Ministry of Education and Research will be approved only by the Board of Administration of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, upon proposal of the CSUD.
(6) The doctoral programme may be conducted in Romanian, in a language of the national minorities or an international language, according to the doctoral study contract concluded between IOSUD, the doctoral supervisor and the doctoral student.
(7) The duration of doctoral studies is usually 4 years.
The present methodology establishes the criteria for the evaluation, selection and selection of candidates, as well as for the allocation of state budget-funded doctoral places.
Art. 6.
The competition for admission to doctoral studies, for both forms of education, is organised, as a rule, in two sessions, under identical conditions, before the beginning of the academic year, but no later than September 30.
Art. 7.
The places allocated for admission to doctoral programmes, distributed by the CSUD and approved by the University Senate, by doctoral schools and doctoral fields, are made available to candidates by posting them on the notice board and the university website.
Art. 8.
The admission competition for doctoral studies may be attended by graduates of master’s degree studies, as well as graduates with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, issued until the year of graduation of the first bachelor’s degree class organized under the provisions of Law no. 288/2004 on the organization of university studies, with subsequent amendments and additions (long-term education). The bachelor’s degree of the graduates of long-term higher education from the period before the application of the three Bologna-type cycles is equivalent to the master’s degree in the specialized field. Consequently, holders of long-term higher education diplomas have the right to enrol for doctoral studies without the obligation to follow the second cycle of master’s studies.
Only graduates with a master’s degree or equivalent are entitled to participate in the admission competition for doctoral studies, and the cumulative number of transferable study credits acquired, for the bachelor’s and master’s degree cycle, must be at least 300.
Art 9.
The university degree programmes (bachelor and master), completed by the PhD candidate, must have been accredited or authorised to operate provisionally, according to the law in force at the time of the candidate’s registration in the respective programs.
(1) Romanian candidates from abroad may participate in the admission for doctoral studies on state budget-funded places allocated by Order of the Minister of Education and Research or on tuition-paying places. The special conditions for enrolment and admission to doctoral studies for Romanian candidates from abroad, graduates of faculties in Romania and in their countries of origin, are set out in Annex 2.
(2) The citizens of the Member States of the European Union, of the States belonging to the European Economic Area and of the Swiss Confederation, as well as British citizens and their family members, as beneficiaries of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community 2019/C 384 I/01, may participate in the admission for doctoral studies under the same conditions provided by law for Romanian citizens, including tuition fees. The special conditions for enrolment and admission to doctoral studies are set out in Annex 3.
(2) Citizens from outside the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation (non-EU citizens), graduates of the master’s degree program or graduates with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent of long-term university studies (4, 5, 6 years), may also apply for admission to doctoral studies. The recognition of studies completed outside Romania will be carried out by the Specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research
For candidates from non-EU countries, the special conditions for enrolment and admission to doctoral studies are set out in Annex 4.
(3) For admission to the third cycle of university studies – doctoral studies – taught in Romanian, citizens of the European Union and third-country nationals are required to provide proof of knowledge of Romanian, according to the methodologies in Romania, as appropriate.
(4) Candidates who are Romanian citizens who have completed their studies outside Romania are required to submit, when applying for the competition, the certificate of recognition of studies, issued by the Specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research.
(1) A candidate may be admitted and enrolled as a doctoral student in no more than two study programmes at the same time, regardless of the study cycle and the educational institutions offering them. A candidate declared admitted may receive state budget funding for only one doctoral degree programme, in compliance with the legal provisions. The candidate declared admitted to more than one field of doctoral studies opts for the field of studies that will be funded from the state budget by submitting the original diploma/certificate of recognition of the diploma/certificate of the previous cycle of university studies, as the case may be, to the university where they wish to pursue the studies.
(2) The costs for exceeding the duration of free education, provided by law, shall be borne by doctoral students.
(3) Candidates with disabilities, as well as candidates belonging to national minorities (Roma) participate in the admission competition under the same conditions as all other candidates, on state-budget places allocated specifically for them, as well as on state budget-funded and tuition-paying places.
- Registration will be done according to the Methodology of the organization and conduct of admission to the third cycle of university studies (doctoral studies) in 2025, for the doctoral fields specified in Annex 1, in the same spaces designated for the rest of the candidates.
- When registering, candidates with disabilities must submit, in addition to the documents provided for in Article 14 of this Methodology, the certificate of disability.
- Candidates belonging to national minorities (Roma) shall submit, in addition to the documents stipulated in Art. 14 of this Methodology, a written recommendation, issued by one of the legally constituted Roma organizations, regardless of its field of activity, stating that the candidate is a member of the Roma ethnic group and not that he/she is a member of the organization in question. This recommendation will be endorsed by the Representative Body of the Roma Minority in Romania, represented in the Council of National Minorities. Affidavits of Roma ethnicity, notarized, or certificates issued by other institutions/structures, etc. will not be accepted.
- The admission competition will be conducted under this methodology.
- According to the law, disabled candidates are exempt from paying the application fee for the entrance exam and benefit from free accommodation in dormitories.
(1) Candidates who have passed the dissertation examination in the sessions corresponding to the academic year 2024-2025 shall submit, upon registration, the original certificate attesting this – issued by the respective higher education institution.
(2) In order to register, the candidates admitted to the state budget-funded places must submit, in original, before the beginning of the academic year, to the secretariat of the doctoral school to which they belong, the master’s degree diploma, respectively the certificate for candidates who passed the dissertation exam in the 2024-2025 session.
(3) Failure to submit the original master’s degree or the certificate attesting to the studies by the deadline, through the sole fault of the admitted candidate, leads to the loss of the place financed from the state budget obtained as a result of admission.
Application for admission to a doctoral program may be made regardless of the field in which the candidate has obtained the degree of completion of long-term university education, or advanced or master’s studies. The number of credits obtained in bachelor’s and master’s studies must be at least 300 (ECTS) for enrolment in the doctoral program.
Art. 14.
(1) The competition file will contain the following documents:
- application form approved by the supervisor (standard form);
- the application form, the candidate’s undertaking and the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data (standard form);
- birth certificate, original and copy;
- marriage certificate or change of name certificate, if applicable, original and copy;
- BI/CI, original and copy;
- language certificate obtained within the last 2 years;
- baccalaureate diploma, original and copy;
- bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), original and copy ;
- the original and a copy of the diploma supplement/transcript of records of the bachelor’s degree (or equivalent);
- Master’s degree (if applicable), original and copy;
- the original and a copy of the diploma supplement/master’s degree transcript;
- Europass curriculum vitae (signed on each page);
- list of published scientific work (if applicable) (signed on each page);
- proof of payment of the application fee.
(2) Enrolment for the admission competition is based on the identity card/passport and the other documents stipulated in the admission methodology. The documents should be sent in scanned versions to the doctoral secretariat – Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. – at least 5 calendar days before the starting date of the actual enrolment and, after obtaining the opinion of compliance with the legal requirements, the documents should be submitted in person, by a proxy or sent by courier, as appropriate.
The candidate for the PhD admission contest will submit the application file to the PhD secretariat, according to the admission calendar posted on the University’s website at
The doctoral secretariat hands over the candidate’s file to the admissions committee appointed for the doctoral field in which they have registered.
(3) The file with the submitted documents remains, for the entire period of the admission contest, with the admission committee appointed for the doctoral program in which the candidate has registered.
(4) Once the registration period has closed, the options, their order and other information on the application form cannot be changed.
(5) The amount of registration fees for the organization and conduct of admission, the processing of applications and tuition fees are approved annually by the decision of the University Senate.
(6) According to the law, children of active or retired teaching and auxiliary teaching staff are exempt from the payment of application fees for admission to higher education entrance examinations and are entitled to free accommodation in dormitories. These fees are waived only on the basis of supporting documents submitted by candidates. The approval of the exemption is made by the IOSUD enrolment committee.
Art. 15.
The coordination of doctoral students by spouses, relatives and relatives up to the third degree is not accepted.
Art. 16.
After finalizing the admission contest, signing the study contract for the third cycle of doctoral studies and registration in the 2025-2026 academic year, the candidate declared admitted has the status of doctoral student for the duration of the studies. During the interruption of doctoral studies, the student-doctoral student status is suspended.
Art. 17.
The doctoral supervisor establishes the research topic and the bibliography of the competition, which will be sent to the doctoral secretariat and will be made known to the candidates by posting and posting on the university website, according to the admission calendar.
Art. 18.
The budgeted places are allocated at the level of IOSUD-UDJG doctoral schools according to the research topics approved by the doctoral school councils and for the vacant positions of doctoral students that the doctoral supervisors of the doctoral schools decide to propose for occupation during the admission sessions organized by IOSUD-UDJG. The allocation of these places is approved by the CSUD.
In order to allocate the budgeted places at the level of the doctoral school, the degree of fulfilment and exceeding by the doctoral supervisors of the minimum qualification standards corresponding to each field, as well as the involvement of the doctoral supervisor in the activities carried out within the doctoral school will be taken into account.
Doctoral supervisors will not be considered for allocation of budgeted places if they:
- have not submitted their self-evaluation reports for the last year evaluated within the deadline or have submitted incomplete or incorrect documents;
- do not meet the minimum necessary and mandatory standards for the award of higher education teaching titles, the award of professional research-development degrees, the quality of doctoral supervisor and the habilitation certificate, standards established by the legislation for the evaluation and accreditation of doctoral schools;
- were not involved in the evaluation of doctoral programs and doctoral schools;
- more than 50% of doctoral students supervised in the last 10 years have not completed their doctoral theses within 5 years from the start of their doctoral training;
- were sanctioned in the last academic year;
- have more than 8 doctoral students in evidence, provided that the percentage of doctoral supervisors with more than 8 doctoral students in evidence is not exceeded at the level of the doctoral school, in which case places can only be allocated to doctoral supervisors who have no more than 11 doctoral students in evidence.
Art. 19.
The distribution of the budgeted places allocated by the Ministry of Education and Research will be based on a quantitative algorithm applied at the level of IOSUD, doctoral schools, fields and subfields, as follows:
- the total number of budgeted places is related, as a percentage, to the number of eligible supervisors in each doctoral school, thus resulting in the number of places to be allocated to each doctoral school within IOSUD-UDJG;
- the budgeted places allocated to each school are related, as a percentage, to the number of eligible heads in each field, resulting in the number of places allocated to each field of the school;
- the budgeted places allocated to a doctoral field are related, as a percentage, to the number of eligible supervisors in each subfield, thus resulting in the number of places allocated to each doctoral subfield.
Art. 20.
(1) The doctoral admission colloquium consists of:
- oral defense of a short presentation, in which the candidate presents their scientific research concerns, the bibliography studied, with direct references to the topic of the doctoral thesis proposed in agreement with the supervisor, followed by a Q&A session;
- analysis of the competition file.
In well-founded cases, the first part of the admission colloquium may also be held online (remotely), with the agreement of the doctoral supervisor and the admission committee.
(2) Candidates will be assessed based on their level of training and information in the field, their ability to address specific research problems, to formulate innovative (theoretical and experimental) solutions and innovative ways of solving them, and the quantifiable results of previous scientific research (published or communicated papers and participation in research projects). Equally, candidates will be judged on their ability to substantiate the innovative nature of the proposed research topic, in relation to the current state of research in the chosen thematic area and the literature, with emphasis on their contribution to the approach of the doctoral topic selected in agreement with the supervisor.
Art. 21.
Committees are appointed at the level of each doctoral school to hold the admission colloquium, by fields or subfields of doctoral studies, consisting of a president, at least 2 full members and at least 2 alternate members, who may be doctoral supervisors or teachers with recognized competence, with the title of associate professor or university professor.
- If the chairperson is unable to attend the admission colloquium for justified reasons, they will be replaced by a full member approved by a vote of the SSC, and the committee will be completed by one of the alternate members.
- If one or more full members are unable to attend the admission colloquium for justified reasons, they may be replaced by alternate members.
If, in the same field of doctoral studies, doctoral supervisors from different faculties are working in the same doctoral programme, two committees may be appointed to hold the admission colloquium.
Art. 22.
Committees are proposed by the Council for Doctoral Studies (CSUD), endorsed by the Administrative Council and approved by the UDJG Senate. Committees shall be appointed by Decision of the Rector at least 10 days before the start of the competitive examinations.
Art. 23.
Each selection board member assigns a grade to each candidate on a scale from 1 to 10. The final admission average is calculated as the average of the grades awarded by the selection board members, expressed to two decimal places, without rounding.
Art. 24.
The minimum average a candidate must obtain to be declared admitted is 7.00.
Art. 25.
The criteria for awarding budgeted places, by doctoral fields and/or subfields, following the application of the provisions of Article 19:
C.1.1. The budgeted place is awarded to the candidate ranked first for each eligible doctoral supervisor.
C.1.2. If the number of budgeted places is less than the number of eligible doctoral supervisors, according to criterion C.1.1, the allocation of budgeted places will be based on a ranking of doctoral fields/sub-areas in the doctoral schools, allocating one budgeted place per doctoral field/sub-area to the first-ranked candidates in each field/sub-area. The distribution of the available budgeted places after this first allocation will be based on the ranking of the candidates, according to the admission average and the candidate’s choices.
C.1.3. In case the number of budgeted places is higher than the number of places allocated by criterion C.1.1, the remaining unoccupied budgeted places are redistributed within the subfield/field/doctoral school/IOSUD, according to admission averages, candidates’ choices and requests.
Art. 26.
The following criteria will be used, in the following order, to separate candidates with the same average:
- the overall average of the years of study, calculated by taking into account the bachelor’s and master’s years;
- the average grade average of the final examination.
(1) Any possible appeals shall be submitted to the university’s registrar’s office and shall be solved by the Appeals Committee. The decision of the appeal committee is final.
(2) No appeals are allowed for the oral or sports aptitude tests.
(3) Appeals based on lack of knowledge of the admissions methodology will not be admitted.
Art. 28. Validation of the results of admission to doctoral studies is made by the Doctoral School Council (DSC) and by the Doctoral Studies Council (DSCUD).
The results of the PhD admission contest, by fields of study, are posted on the IOSUD board and the university website.
(1) The display of the results obtained in the admission competition is carried out in stages, generating at least two types of lists:
- the provisional ranking lists generated after admission;
- definitive lists - with the ranking of candidates, generated after appeals have been settled, containing the definitive results.
(2) The lists shall contain the following categories of information:
- candidates admitted to the budget-funded places, within the limit of the number of places allocated, where applicable;
- the candidates admitted to fee-paying places, within the limit of the number of places allocated, where applicable;
- rejected candidates, where applicable.
Art. 31.
Candidates declared admitted are enrolled and acquire the status of doctoral students after completing the registration procedure.
Art. 32.
Doctoral students will complete and sign the study contract, together with the doctoral supervisor.
Annex 1 to the Methodology on the organization and conduct of admission to doctoral studies in 2024
Fields of doctoral studies
Nr. crt. | Field of doctoral studies | Doctoral School |
1. | Industrial engineering | Mechanical and industrial engineering |
2. | Mechanical engineering | Mechanical and industrial engineering |
3. | Biotechnologies | Fundamental and engineering sciences |
4. | Food engineering | Fundamental and engineering sciences |
5. | Electrical engineering | Fundamental and engineering sciences |
6. | Systems engineering | Fundamental and engineering sciences |
7. | Computers and information technology | Fundamental and engineering sciences |
8. | Materials engineering | Fundamental and engineering sciences |
9. | Engineering and management in agriculture and rural development | Fundamental and engineering sciences |
10. | Chemistry | Fundamental and engineering sciences |
11. | Medicine | Biomedical sciences |
12. | Pharmacy | Biomedical sciences |
13. | Economics | Economics |
14. | Management | Economics |
15 | Marketing | Economics |
16. | Philology | Humanities and Social Sciences |
17. | History | Humanities and Social Sciences |
18. | Sports science and physical education | Humanities and Social Sciences |
19. | Law | Humanities and Social Sciences |
Annex 2 to the Methodology on the organization and conduct of admission to doctoral studies in 2025
Special application and admission conditions for Romanian candidates from abroad, graduates from Romanian universities or from their countries of origin, doctoral studies
Under the provisions of Law no. 299/2007 on support for Romanians living abroad, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, Romanians living abroad fall into the following categories:
- Persons belonging to Romanian national minorities, linguistic minorities, or indigenous ethnic groups, as well as those who are part of the Romanian cultural and ethnic heritage, living in Romania’s neighbouring states and other countries, who affirm their Romanian ethnic, linguistic, and cultural identity to the Romanian authorities, regardless of the ethnonym they use.
- Romanians who emigrated, regardless of whether they have kept their Romanian citizenship or not, their descendants as well as Romanian citizens domiciled or residing abroad.
- Ethnic people who recognize themselves as of Romanian origin, living outside the borders of the country, registered as another minority in the state of residence, who assume, through self-identification, their belonging to the Romanian cultural and identity space.
1.1. Romanian candidates from abroad who have permanent residence in Romania, graduates of the faculties in their country of origin, may participate in the admission competition for the budgeted places and for the places with fees and will submit, in addition to the documents listed below, a certificate of recognition of studies, issued by the Specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research-CNRED. This category will sit the entrance exam under the same conditions as Romanian candidates and will pay the 400 lei application fee.
1.2. Romanian candidates from abroad who have permanent residence in Romania, graduates of Romanian faculties, can participate in the admission competition for the budgeted places and the places with fees. This category will take the admission exam under the same conditions as Romanian candidates and will pay the 400 lei application fee.
1.3 Romanian candidates from abroad who do not have permanent residence in Romania, with or without Romanian citizenship, and who have completed their university studies in Romania or in their country of origin, may participate in the admission contest for tuition-free places, with monthly scholarship, respectively for tuition-free places, without monthly scholarship, places allocated especially for them by ministerial order, as well as for places with tuition fees in lei.
Those who opt for fee-paying places will sit the entrance exam under the same conditions as Romanian candidates and will have to pay the 400 lei application fee.
Candidates’ applications should be submitted to the university headquarters, Rectorate building, Doctoral Secretariat, room U134, according to the admission calendar posted on the university website at For further information, candidates may write to Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
The competition file will contain the following documents:
- application form approved by the supervisor (standard form);
- the application form, the candidate’s undertaking and the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data (standard form);
- birth certificate, original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- marriage certificate or certificate of change of name, original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- identity card/ID card, original and copy;
- foreign passport and Romanian citizen’s passport with permanent residence abroad, original and copy;
- language certificate obtained within the last 2 years;
- baccalaureate diploma or equivalent, original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- the original and copy of the diploma supplement/transcript of records of the bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and certified translation of the original document, where applicable
- master’s degree (if applicable), original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable. Candidates who have passed the dissertation examination in the sessions corresponding to the academic year 2024-2025 must submit when registering the attestation to this effect - in original, issued by the educational institution concerned, translated by an authorized translator, where applicable;
- the diploma supplement/master’s transcript of records, original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- Europass curriculum vitae (signed on each page);
- list of published scientific papers (if applicable) (signed on each page);
- proof of payment of the admission fee, where applicable;
- the declaration based on freely expressed will of assuming the Romanian cultural identity, according to the legislation in force according to Annex no. 3 of the Methodology for the schooling of Romanians Abroad (except for candidates from the Republic of Moldova);
- sworn declaration that the candidate does not hold a Romanian identity card;
- standard medical certificate issued by the General Practitioner (GP) showing that the holder does not suffer from contagious/chronic diseases.
Registration fee:
Romanians Abroad/Romanians in the Diaspora are exempted from the application fee for admission according to OMEN 4107/06.07.2018.
The budgeted places allocated specifically for Romanian candidates from abroad who do not have permanent residence in Romania, with or without Romanian citizenship, remaining available after the July admission session, will be put up for competition in the September session.
The admission competition will be conducted in accordance with this methodology
Annex 3 to the Methodology on the organization and conduct of admission to doctoral studies in 2025
Conditions for enrolment and admission to doctoral studies for citizens of EU Member States, of the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, and for British citizens and their family members
The citizens of the Member States of the European Union, of the States belonging to the European Economic Area and of the Swiss Confederation, as well as British citizens and their family members, as beneficiaries of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community 2019/C 384 I/01, may participate in the admission to doctoral studies under the same conditions provided by law for Romanian citizens (including tuition fees) after the studies completed in their countries of origin have been recognized.
Recognition of studies is done by the specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research - CNRED -
In the case of recognition documents issued online by the specialized directorates of the Ministry of Education and Research (CNRED), they are transmitted electronically to the doctoral secretariat by the candidate, according to the admission calendar. For recognition documents issued online, candidates will fill in a sworn declaration of their authenticity.
Candidates’ applications should be submitted to the university headquarters, Rectorate building, Doctoral Secretariat, room U134, according to the admission calendar posted on the university website at For further information, candidates may write to Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
The competition file will contain the following documents:
- application form approved by the supervisor (standard form);
- the application form, the candidate’s undertaking and the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data (standard form);
- birth certificate, original and copy and a certified translation of the original document;
- marriage certificate or certificate of change of name, if applicable, original and copy and a certified translation of the original document;
- passport, original and copy;
- language certificate, obtained within the last 2 years, where applicable;
- baccalaureate diploma or equivalent, original and copy and an authorized translation of the original document;
- bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), in original and in copy and a certified translation of the original document;
- the original and a copy of the diploma supplement/transcript of records of the bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and the original certified translation of the document;
- master’s degree (if applicable), original and copy, and a certified translation of the original document;
- diploma supplement/master’s transcript of records, original and copy, and the authorized translation of the original document;
- Original diplomas from Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Greece will be stamped with the Hague Convention Apostille,
- Original diplomas issued in countries that are not parties to the Hague Apostille Convention must undergo consular legalization through the following process: Option 1: Legalization by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country, followed by consular legalization at the Romanian Embassy/Consular Office in that country and the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Option 2: Legalization by the Ministry of Education and Research of the issuing country, followed by authentication at the Embassy/Consular Office of that country in Romania and final validation by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The list of countries for which an apostille or consular legalization is required can be found at:
- diploma of the Romanian language preparatory year, in original and in copy;
- certificate/certificate of recognition of high school/ bachelor’s/ master’s studies issued by the Specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research - CNRED;
- Europass curriculum vitae (signed on each page);
- list of published scientific work (if applicable) (signed on each page);
- proof of payment of the application fee;
- a document describing the grading system applied in the educational institutions followed (the grade equivalent of grades between Failing and Excellent);
- a medical certificate in an internationally recognized language stating that the holder is not suffering from a contagious/chronic disease.
The admission competition is conducted in accordance with this methodology.
Annex 4 to the Methodology on the organization and conduct of admission to doctoral studies in 2025
Conditions for enrolment and admission to doctoral studies for foreign nationals from non-EU countries
Foreign, non-EU citizens are further defined as persons who are not from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), the Swiss Confederation (CH) or the UK and have the citizenship of a non-EU country of the European Union, as proven by the possession of a valid passport. Foreign, non-EU citizens may apply for admission to study places without tuition fees, with a monthly grant, without tuition fees, without a monthly grant or with tuition fees in foreign currency.
The schooling in Romania of foreign, non-EU citizens is carried out under the normative acts in force presented in the “General aspects” section of this methodology.
For details on the scholarships offered by the Romanian Government to foreign students see the link:
Foreign, non-EU candidates, non-EU graduates with a long-term bachelor’s degree (prior to the Bologna Process), respectively graduates of master’s degree programs from non-EU countries, who have completed accredited master’s degree programs, and the cumulative number of transferable credits acquired, for the bachelor’s and master’s degree cycle, is at least 300, apply for admission to UDJG according to the Romanian citizens’ doctoral admission calendar.
Recognition of studies completed by foreign citizens, non-EU, will be carried out by the Specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research.
Upon admission to all university study cycles taught in Romanian, all foreign citizens are required to present a certificate of language proficiency in Romanian, issued by institutions authorized by the Ministry of Education and Research or the original certificate of graduation of the preparatory year.
The application procedure for foreign citizens to take part in the admission organized for doctoral studies is as follows:
- Candidates for Study Places with Tuition Fees Paid in Foreign Currency:
The candidates apply to IOSUD-UDJG for the submission of documents in order to obtain the acceptance letter from the Ministry of Education and Research. UDJG takes the documents because the enrolment of foreign citizens is conditional on obtaining a preliminary agreement from a doctoral supervisor in the doctoral field for which they are applying and obtaining the letter of acceptance from the Ministry of Education and Research.
Documents needed to obtain a letter of acceptance
The documents can be sent to the following e-mail addresses: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. or Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea., by post/courier to the address Domnească 47 St., postal code: 800008, Galați, before the date mentioned in the admission calendar.
- preliminary agreement from the supervisor (standard form);
- application for the letter of acceptance:
- declaration of consent to the processing of personal data (standard form);
- birth certificate (authorized and certified translation if the document is not issued in Romanian or English);
- Marriage certificate or change of name certificate, where appropriate certified and legalized translation if the document is not issued in Romanian or English)
- copy of your passport, valid for at least 6 months at the time of application for doctoral studies;
- copy of identity card or residence permit;
- copy and certified translation of the baccalaureate diploma or equivalent, certified by the relevant authorities in the issuing country;
- copy and certified translation of the bachelor’s degree or equivalent, authenticated by the relevant authorities in the issuing country;
- copy and certified translation of the master’s degree or its equivalent, authenticated by the relevant authorities in the issuing country;
- the transcript of records/diploma supplements - copies and certified translations of the studies completed;
- for study programs taught in Romanian, the candidate must present a certificate attesting his/her knowledge of Romanian or submit certificates proving at least 4 consecutive years of study in Romania in Romanian. Otherwise, the preparatory year of Romanian is compulsory;
- for study programs in languages of international circulation, candidates must present a Certificate of Language Proficiency, showing a minimum level of proficiency in an international language, valid at the time of the examination
- Europass curriculum vitae (signed on each page);
- a medical certificate in an internationally recognized language certifying that the holder is not suffering from any contagious disease or other medical conditions incompatible with the studies in question.
Steps to follow after obtaining the letter of acceptance:
Foreign, non-EU candidates who meet all the conditions for enrolment in doctoral studies and have obtained the letter of acceptance from the Ministry of Education and Research within the approved and announced enrolment period, submit the following documents to the UDJG – University Headquarters, Rectorate building, Doctoral Secretariat, room U134 or send them to the e-mail address Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea., according to the admission calendar posted on the university website at
- application form approved by the supervisor (standard form);
- application form, candidate’s commitment (standard form);
- proof of payment of the application fee – EUR 250;
- list of published scientific works (if applicable) (signed on each page);
The admission competition is conducted in accordance with this methodology.
- Candidates for Tuition-Free Study Places:
These candidates apply individually, as the procedures for obtaining the Letter of Acceptance differ.
For more information, visit:
- For non-EU candidates – Scholarship recipients of the Romanian state, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (, the application file must include, in addition to the documents mentioned above, the original Letter of Acceptance issued by the Ministry of Education and Research.
- Candidates must follow the enrolment process according to the published admission calendar.
The admission competition is conducted in accordance with the present methodology.