Special application and admission conditions for Romanian candidates from abroad, graduates from Romanian universities or from their countries of origin, doctoral studies
Under the provisions of Law no. 299/2007 on support for Romanians living abroad, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, Romanians living abroad fall into the following categories:
- Persons belonging to Romanian national minorities, linguistic minorities, or indigenous ethnic groups, as well as those who are part of the Romanian cultural and ethnic heritage, living in Romania’s neighbouring states and other countries, who affirm their Romanian ethnic, linguistic, and cultural identity to the Romanian authorities, regardless of the ethnonym they use.
- Romanians who emigrated, regardless of whether they have kept their Romanian citizenship or not, their descendants as well as Romanian citizens domiciled or residing abroad.
- Ethnic people who recognize themselves as of Romanian origin, living outside the borders of the country, registered as another minority in the state of residence, who assume, through self-identification, their belonging to the Romanian cultural and identity space.
1.1. Romanian candidates from abroad who have permanent residence in Romania, graduates of the faculties in their country of origin, may participate in the admission competition for the budgeted places and for the places with fees and will submit, in addition to the documents listed below, a certificate of recognition of studies, issued by the Specialized Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Research-CNRED. This category will sit the entrance exam under the same conditions as Romanian candidates and will pay the 400 lei application fee.
1.2. Romanian candidates from abroad who have permanent residence in Romania, graduates of Romanian faculties, can participate in the admission competition for the budgeted places and the places with fees. This category will take the admission exam under the same conditions as Romanian candidates and will pay the 400 lei application fee.
1.3 Romanian candidates from abroad who do not have permanent residence in Romania, with or without Romanian citizenship, and who have completed their university studies in Romania or in their country of origin, may participate in the admission contest for tuition-free places, with monthly scholarship, respectively for tuition-free places, without monthly scholarship, places allocated especially for them by ministerial order, as well as for places with tuition fees in lei.
Those who opt for fee-paying places will sit the entrance exam under the same conditions as Romanian candidates and will have to pay the 400 lei application fee.
Candidates’ applications should be submitted to the university headquarters, Rectorate building, Doctoral Secretariat, room U134, according to the admission calendar posted on the university website at www.admitere.ugal.ro/Doctorat. For further information, candidates may write to Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
The competition file will contain the following documents:
- application form approved by the supervisor (standard form);
- the application form, the candidate’s undertaking and the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data (standard form);
- birth certificate, original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- marriage certificate or certificate of change of name, original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- identity card/ID card, original and copy;
- foreign passport and Romanian citizen’s passport with permanent residence abroad, original and copy;
- language certificate obtained within the last 2 years;
- baccalaureate diploma or equivalent, original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- the original and copy of the diploma supplement/transcript of records of the bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and certified translation of the original document, where applicable
- master’s degree (if applicable), original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable. Candidates who have passed the dissertation examination in the sessions corresponding to the academic year 2024-2025 must submit when registering the attestation to this effect - in original, issued by the educational institution concerned, translated by an authorized translator, where applicable;
- the diploma supplement/master’s transcript of records, original and copy, and certified translation of the original document, where applicable;
- Europass curriculum vitae (signed on each page);
- list of published scientific papers (if applicable) (signed on each page);
- proof of payment of the admission fee, where applicable;
- the declaration based on freely expressed will of assuming the Romanian cultural identity, according to the legislation in force according to Annex no. 3 of the Methodology for the schooling of Romanians Abroad (except for candidates from the Republic of Moldova);
- sworn declaration that the candidate does not hold a Romanian identity card;
- standard medical certificate issued by the General Practitioner (GP) showing that the holder does not suffer from contagious/chronic diseases.
Registration fee:
Romanians Abroad/Romanians in the Diaspora are exempted from the application fee for admission according to OMEN 4107/06.07.2018.
The budgeted places allocated specifically for Romanian candidates from abroad who do not have permanent residence in Romania, with or without Romanian citizenship, remaining available after the July admission session, will be put up for competition in the September session.
The admission competition will be conducted in accordance with this methodology